I saw the price of some of this kiosk apps above… OMG??
Hype Kiosk
Any way I thought I would give it ago and make one using Xcode etc…
Now I am not a fantastic Programmer and I know I probably do things arse end backward, so here is the source code in the form of the full Xcode Project, A copy of the App and also a template of the Hype Project that I used.
( This is all a hack together)
What I would love is for you guys to test it and help improve it for all of us. I have never really setup a collaboration like this before so some help would be good there also.
@Daniel , @stephen
I know I am probably going to be embarrassed when and if you look at this…
But it would be great if you guys helped and adopted this project as a Hype Kiosk
The App so far:
Opens in Fullscreen, disables: NSApplicationPresentationHideMenuBar +NSApplicationPresentationHideDock + NSApplicationPresentationDisableHideApplication + NSApplicationPresentationDisableProcessSwitching
To quit the app you need to use a password.
The Password is entered in a popover, which at some point could be changed to offer more options.
I could not find away to block exit fullscreen when the escape key is used, so I used NSWindow delegates to force it back into fullscreen.
The App uses a WKWebView instead of a Webview. This is added Programmatically and more importantly HTML5 LocalStorage just works without any coding or hacks.
Any how here it all is.
Updated to unsigned as there is a problem with distributing signed)
StudentSignOut2.app.zip (978.3 KB) ( Built demo App file )
(To Launch the built app above for the first time, as it is unsigned you will need to crtl click and open.
*Building directly from the Xcode project should not be produce this problem)
xcode&and Hype file.zip (1.2 MB) ( Xcode project source code and hype template used in demo )
Update: Please Note all updates will be at :
Kiosk App Project