Going back to Hype 3 from Hype 4

On Hype 3 and want to Skip the Hype 4 Update?

Tumult Hype 4 is a paid update with a bunch of great new features, but any previous license holder will get a discount (or free license) based on what license you most recently purchased and when. Want to stay on version 3? When you see the Hype 4 Upgrade window, click ‘Skip this Version’.

Clicking ‘Skip Version’ will keep you on Hype 3 and you won’t be bugged again.

Reverting from Hype 4 to Hype 3 (Tumult Store)

If you clicked ‘Install Update’ but decide you want to go back to Hype 3, here’s how to do that:

  1. Delete Hype 4 from your computer by dragging it to your trash and emptying it.
  2. Download Tumult Hype 3 from this page: https://tumult.com/hype/download/v3
  3. Drag Hype 3 into your applications folder and open it.
  4. Make sure you click ‘Skip this Version’ in the Software Update window that appears. (shown above)

That’s it!

Reverting from Hype 4 to Hype 3 (Mac App Store)

When you install Tumult Hype 4 from the Mac App store, a 14 day optional trial is started. To go back to Hype 3 on the Mac App store, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Delete Hype 4 from your computer and empty the trash.
  2. In Mac OS Catalina, you can find your list of purchased apps by clicking your account name on the lower left hand corner of the Mac App store. Prior to Mojave, you’ll see a ‘Purchases’ tab at the top of the Mac App store.
  3. In your list of purchases, redownload Hype 3.
  4. You’re all set! You may want to now restore your Pro purchase by clicking the ‘Upgrade’ Menu if you purchased Tumult Hype 3 Pro.

Want to go even further back into Hype downloads? Visit: https://tumult.com/hype/download/all/

Please note that if you open a Hype document in Hype 4 it will be upgraded to a Hype 4 document. If you need to recover an old document produced in Hype 3, you will need to find an export created with Hype 3 and select Help > Restore Document from Export in Hype 3. This will regenerate your .hype file from an export. More info on that process.

We plan to support Tumult Hype 3 until June of 2020.

Read more about our Upgrade Policy.