Hype Reflect is a quick way to preview your Tumult Hype document on an iOS device. If you don't have it yet, you can download it here: Hype Reflect on the App Store.
In the System Settings on your Mac, open 'Privacy & Security; and in the 'Local Network' area make sure Hype/Whisk are enabled. Likewise in the Settings app in your iOS device, go to 'Privacy & Security' and the 'Local Network' area and make sure it is turned on for Hype Reflect.
Open System Settings on your Mac and open the 'Security and Privacy' or 'Security' area. In the 'Firewall' section, click 'More Options' and make sure that 'Block all incoming connections' is not checked. (View Screenshot).
Make sure that firewall applications such as Little Snitch do not block connections requested by Tumult Hype. To edit blocked applications, open Little Snitch's preferences.
Make sure that devices on your local area network can connect to other devices on your network. Your router should not be blocking connections between local devices; you may need to contact your network administrator to resolve this issue if you are connecting to a managed network.
Upgrade to the latest version of iOS that your device supports. If you're having trouble upgrading, please read this Apple support article.
If this doesn't resolve the issue please contact us. You can email us directly and attach files here: support@tumult.com
Here's more information on how the connection process technically works:
it doesnt seem to find the ipad… i renamed the ipad, and it doesnt refresh in Hype 2 or 3 (i have both installed on the same macbook) I just cleared the recent devices… and now nothing is showing up.
Sorry to hear that, @malik – are you on Yosemite 10.10.1? What kind of router are you using? Do you have any firewall softer (like Little Snitch) that might be blocking a connection?
Ever since iOS8 and Yosemite, we have on all machines a kind of WiFi hell…
I installed a brand new Airport extreme and it’s still not fixed.
Same for other apps that connect with my macbook, like Logic X Remote and Vienna Remote app on iOS.
I can connect and view the projecton the iPad but exactly one second later Reflect quits. I’ve restarted / relaunched everything. This a consistent behavior.
After it crashes could you go to Setings->Privacy->Diagnostics & Usage->Diagnostics & Usage Data and see if there is a crash log for Hype Reflect. You should be able to copy/paste the log and send it to me.
If you sync with iTunes you can also find the crash report in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice on your Mac.
I am some times in a location where I will consistently not be able to use Hype Reflect over WIFI Network.
This being due to some setup on the network all by devices are connected to. I have no control over this network.
It just dawned on me That I can just set up a create a new Network from my Mac using the ‘Create Network…’ menu under the WIFI menu bar. Then join it from my devices. Worked like a charm.
Hi. I was working with Reflect yesterday and it worked fine. It then stopped working. The Reflect page is just white. No information on it. When I select the Safari button, it does load the project in Safari. So I suppose the info is getting to Reflect, but not displaying in Reflect. Any ideas? Its annoying. The problem is on my iPhone and iPad.
Hmm that’s odd – did anything change about your network setup? A quick restart of your devices & modem might be a quick workaround for this if nothing else changed.