I need to use only 2 screen layouts: mobile vs. tablets and desktop


I have created a desktop version of a presentation that fits perfect with the width 100% for tablets portrait and landscape and desktop version. So I don't need to adapt the content again for those sizes.

But I have also created a layout for mobile version that I want to be shown only for a maximum 667 px width and from that size up to keep only the main version.

The challenge is that as I create only two versions I will have the mobile version till the 1300 px, the size of the desktop version and not till 667 px size, so I will see the mobile version till 1300 px, equal what device it is in use.

So, I need your support to load a mobile layout only till 667 and the tablet version after that size, without changing the 1300 px size of the main screen.

Thank you for your support!

I have checked to find the answer on the forum but what I have found was not exactly what I need it (Responsive layouts, distinguish portrait and landscape - Optimizing for Responsive - Limit maximum zoom (scale) on a element using "flexible layout" and "Zoom contents" - Multiple monitor project? - Mobile instead of desktop version on a laptop display)

i'm not 100% aware of what you're trying to achieve, but do you know that the breakpoint can be set independent from the scene width? Means you can show the desktopscene from 667 and above:

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Thank you @h_classen!
