Hype Examples? - Hidden Objects In Picture Game


I am looking to create a Hype hidden objects game where objects are hidden in a larger image. The user reviews the picture and then if they find the item, it is removed from the shopping list with score points assigned. Are there any examples you would consider sharing which has already been created or started?

Examples welcome and appreciated.

Patrick McLean (o:

I was thinking of making a game like this, but in 3D. I didn't get around to it.

Would you be interested in paid Hype templates? Someone recently inquired about a template subscription. I don't like the idea of a subscription, but I was thinking about making a set of paid templates and this one (perhaps in 2D) could be on the list.

The reason I suggest that route, as this is not something I have ready-made. I'd have to build it.

If you just want free advice, why not just use transparent images over a background? They could be clickable. Also, it wouldn't have to be circles or squares either — the Jigsaw template is an example of custom shapes.

Hi @Photics:
I would definitely be interested in paid Hype templates. You have many examples that are outstanding. I am interested in the find the hidden objects game, a more advanced 3D object manipulator with object hot spots and more details on using hype and advanced CSS layouts like used in your book. [i.e. using grid and column functions]. I work with Hype for fun and enjoying more advanced projects to dissect for more learning.
Best Regards, Patrick McLean

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I know that this topic is quite old. But I am very interested in a Hidden Objects game with hype.

I have already made such games with other tools and would appreciate information on how to best realize something like this with Hype.

Since I'm still learning how Hype works, I'd also really appreciate a link to tutorials etc that explain the features for such a game.


@MaxZieb Thank you very much :+1:

That's very helpful :blush: