I wanted to put the smiley face with looking eyes on my website, but I didn't want to include the whole Hype runtime for just an oversized emoji. So, I converted it to raw code. But to do that, I needed to see where the elements would end up. That's when I used Whisk.
I put a transparent image of the smiley in the same element, so I could better gauge where to put the elements — eyes, eyeballs, mouth.
So, the original “Looking” directory, built with Hype, is 444K…
The new version built with Whisk, and then some adjustment in WordPress, is 2.3K…
Now the Hype project doesn't use all of the files in the directory…
…but even one of the smallest runtimes is 56K and the generated script is 7K. I was worried about lowering my web.dev score if I added this little animated widget as a Hype project. So, using Whisk instead optimized the widget.