Hello everyone, my name is Eric. A graphic designer/multimedia/animator since 1997 and I live in Kansas. I speak English only, but enjoy trying to learn German.
I don't like code. In fact, I hate it, but I'm indebted to those who DO like code and have created applications such as Hype! (I love you!)
I would call myself a Hype novice, but always looking to learn more and push its limits more. My first interactive software ever used was Director. After Effects and Cinema 4D are my other tools of choice, but interactive design is where my true love lies.
My current Hype project is a passion project that combines my love of board games and interactive story-telling. You can check out the interactive part here:
And if you're interested in the game itself, you can check it out here:
And I'm always looking for feedback, comments and advice on how to make things better!
Thank you!