Tumult Hype Animations Wordpress Plugin

5 posts were split to a new topic: Full Page Wordpress Post Troubleshoot

I want to make website like this tutorial


but when height not scale to 100% the buttom and upper, it’s not responsive again.

If you are using wordpress, ultimately you will need to have some container div that has a height to it. This could be percentage-based, in which case you can keep the height scale on in the hype document, since it will then fill the container.

I’m not too familiar with the best approach to do this in wordpress, but you may want to try looking into more “wordpress responsive height” posts around the web, since I would guess this comes up often enough. The good news is there isn’t anything specific to Hype holding you back; you just need to make sure there is a container which is big enough to fit.

The Survey Legend example can be made without any CMS as the blog post shows, which makes it a bit easier to do on a vanilla html page. (I removed your post on the other topic)

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sorry I am a designer not a developer, so I am not understand about container div. can you make an example or link the tutorial about it?

You Need to configure The Integration in Wordpress. So The best Option to Help should bei by providing a Link …

A post was split to a new topic: Issue uploaded OAM to Wordpress Plugin

I am new to both Hype and Wordpress, so please bear with me.

I’ve uploaded the Hype plug in.
I’ve exported the oam and uploaded it.
Now, I can’t figure out how to insert the oam into a page. My screen doesn’t look like the example at the top of this post. When I click on add new post, I get this:

I’ve gone through all the options I can think of, but nothing is working. Any help is appreciated.

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For your case, you would need to visit the Hype Animations plugin directly, and copy a ‘shortcode’ which represents your Hype animation. You can then paste that shortcode anywhere in the Wordpress editor.

What you’re looking at in the screenshot is the ‘blocks’ editor which removes a lot of the formatting options in favor of a clean interface. So it removes that ‘Hype animation’ button unfortunately.

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Thanks. It seems like I’m making some kind of error exporting the original animation. I inserted the shortcode and the preview showed only a portion of the animation.

EDIT: I was able to upload a very simple test animation, so I can do it. The one I’m trying to post includes video. I need to learn how to keep video attached during export. (I’m sure that’s another thread.)

This may be more related to how your Hype document fits within your Wordpress theme. If your Wordpress theme has a maximum width of 500 pixels and your Hype document is 600 pixels wide, the side will get cut off. This video explains how to examine your theme for embedding a Hype doc by inspecting the theme using developer tools: https://youtu.be/CuwkJTtuGLc?t=59

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If anyone out there speaks
or Arabic ... and would like to test translations for this plugin, please visit :arrow_right: Beta Testing Tumult Hype Animations Wordpress Plugin


2 posts were split to a new topic: Autoptimize Plugin + Hype Wordpress Plugin

We're planning some changes to the Wordpress Plugin. If you use the plugin, I'd love it if you could answer a quick question about how you upload OAM files:

  • I use the Hype Animations plugin Dashboard to upload my OAM files (this is most common)
  • I add animations from the Post or Page (I disabled the Gutenberg Editor)

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For my part, I am in the process of changing my website, created with Mobirise, to do it again with WordPress. I plan to use the Hype plugin and build the website with Elementor.
I don't know if this can help your question, since I'm not using the plugin yet and it's just a declaration of intent. :wink:

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Gutenberg is a must move. There are some tutorials on creating a block that actually only renders a shortcode for a fast solution.

Might be a bit older but it’s a maybe start:

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I hate Gutenberg. :laughing:


It’s just like the airline joke. How do you make a WordPress plugin with a million installs? Remove a feature used by 60 million people.

Soon after publishing that article, the Classic Editor plugin quickly hit 5+ million installs.

...but, if the Hype plugin is to have a future, it probably should support Gutenberg.

Classic Editor is an official WordPress plugin, and will be fully supported and maintained until at least 2022, or as long as is necessary.

Gutenberg was pushed hard. The WordPress community pushed back even harder. (Just look at the reviews for the plugin.) Even two years later, I still prefer the classic editor.

You will come around. Change is always hard…

That said, you and me are "old" and time flies. It is slowly getting broader adoption and there are some good use-cases popping up. But most important there are loads of new users onboarding on WordPress that have never really used classic and Gutenberg hence the way forward.

Ultimately having a block builder is a good thing … and Hype for WordPress needs to adopt it also. A shortcode is still okay for the limited functionality but having a native block would help for people growing up and into the new interface.

I don't accept that. Regardless of my age, I know what I like. As an example, whew, Apple changed widgets. SwiftUI, WidgetKit, and Swift in general is way harder to learn than Gutenberg. And yet, that's what I've been doing. It's because I can see potential. Do I agree with Apple's decisions? Eh, I think SwiftUI is inferior to Web Development. I don't like the idea of glanceable widgets either. I prefer mini apps. Yet, I'm grinding through because these Apple changes are creating opportunity. There's a logic to what Apple is doing.

And in general, I like where Apple is going. Those new M1 Macs, AMAZING! That's a big change, but it's a good change.

With Gutenberg? I just don't like it. The whole point of WordPress is that it makes adding content easy. Gutenberg gets in my way. Just because something is new doesn't mean it's better. If I have to adjust my workflow, there are many alternatives out there. Why stay with WordPress?

Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 was one of the worst upgrades I've ever seen. Yet, I think if you need an enterprise level website, it can be worth the effort. There are lots of great features in Drupal 8... now 9... and 10 has great potential. If WordPress kills the classic editor, I'd more likely switch to Drupal — big change, don't care. That's how much I hate Gutenberg.

Yup, and my condolences go to Tumult. :crazy_face:

I know where you are coming from but if you ever used Medium.com ... it’s a breeze to add content as „blocks“ and WordPress now works the same. It might be a matter of taste (convenience over code control) but it beats adding Shortcodes and managing images in a classic editor by miles. If you consider it for page building it still has some way to go but for writing blogs its already way ahead of the old ways.

One of the nice things about the Medium website is...

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