Sticky Nav Bar on every Scene

How to get this sticky navigation to work on my other scenes? The sticky navBar has Unique Element ID ‘menu’ in the first scene. When I go to the scene ‘Music’ the sticky menu won’t work.

Here is the link to my site:

All support is much appreciated!

lastPos = {
y1 : 0,
y2 : 0

el = hypeDocument.getElementById(‘menu’);
sPos = el.getBoundingClientRect().top;

wY = window.pageYOffset || (document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop) ;
lastPos.y1 = lastPos.y2; lastPos.y2 = wY;

if(wY >= sPos){ = ‘0px’;
if (lastPos.y2 < lastPos.y1 && wY <= sPos){ = sPos + ‘px’;




as far as i can see your nav doesn’t move at all. so remove the code and apply the class ‘sticky’ to your menu.

btw: your not using a persistant symbol for your nav¿

Hi Hans-Gerd,

Thanks for your support. I removed the code and applied the class ‘sticky’ to my menu. Works like a charm. Working on the persistant symbol for my nav now.

Hi @h_classen
How can i apply this to the same object but in different layouts ?
Thank you

When i made an object sticky on a layout for ipad with your code it works but when i create a new layout for desktop, it doesn't work on it.
So i tried to create a new function for the same object in desktop layout but it doesn't work

the above thread is quite old ...

@MaxZieb has done a great integration with multiple options: