YES I know, I been out of games for a long time. After I lost the clients of my company (handcrafts company) for this world situation and few months later flash just vanish (lost 20 years of games) I came so down suffering from anxiety and depression, that I couldn't do anything that I like, stop animating puppets, after 10 years I stopped making my Ghosts live podcast show, stop developing games, leave sports for almost a year and more.
I've been helping people here in the forum to make some projects and that keep it me using hype. A couple of months ago people start to call me to make some simple interactive projects and a couple of games and that helped me a lot!
I don't have a regular income yet, but I have to think that now I have all the time I need to do what ever I want, I don't know if it is going to last and I need to take advantage. I'm back in to swimming and I have a couple of weeks fixing my games and creating new ideas.
I have more than 20 games in the process right now, but I need to start slow, finishing incomplete games. So...
The first game is Simple Pinball, you saw this game some months ago, but now is been updated.
No additional coding (I don't know how to code); just used hype physics and the collision detection I found in another post (to highlight every time it hits something)
// Fetch physics engine for this hypeDocument
var hypeDocElm = document.getElementById(hypeDocument.documentId());
var engine = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(hypeDocElm, 'physics-engine')
// Event listener
Matter.Events.on(engine, 'collisionStart', function(event) {
var aElm = document.getElementById(event.pairs[0].bodyA.elementId);
var bElm = document.getElementById(event.pairs[0].bodyB.elementId);
// Just to test... show some feedback = '#FFFFFF'; = '#FFFFFF';
setTimeout(function(){ = '#0080FF'; = '#0080FF';