Screen goes blank when changing videos visibility

Was just thinking ( and may not be right for you ) but why can’t it all be done on one scene.

This uses a Math function on an element animation keyframe in a timeline ( in the video’s symbol ) to control where the video time is.

The math functions runs an aliased function in matchPosition() ( see this post of how this idea works )

The scroll() function deals with up down and controls the follow timeline as well as any other animation timeline. In this I have one.

This probably just re invents the wheel but just a thought…
Also the only reason the video is in a symbol is that’s how I started it out when I first had a quicklook at using multiple scenes with this approach.
But although I got it to work mostly!; it was cumbersome to do and in the end felt it made no sense having a lot of scenes just for info. (2.5 MB)

( And as usual, just a quick thrown together example , the scroll detection in this example is limited on which device it will work with but should be easy to change to a more robust bit of code… )

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