Help > Report an Issue
Before submitting a bug, please search these forums for keywords relating to your issue. Find something mostly related to your issue? Click 'Reply as linked topic' on the right side of the post.
To submit a bug report, select Help > Report an Issue.
When you do so, please also include your document in the Issue Reporter's Attachments section, and ensure that the "Send logs, preferences, and system information" checkbox is checked.
If you don't fill in your 'email' field, your bug report may be helpful to us, but we won't know how to get back to you with a potential resolution.
The more detail you provide, the easier we can find a fix!
Sending a System Profile
System profiles send us additional information about your system and help us determine issues like network drive interference, OS-specific bugs, and issues like 'What goes wrong when your disk space is full?'. Here's how to submit a System Profile: