Learning HTML5, CSS and Javascript

Any suggestions for best online learning options that directly relate to Hype itself, or would allow deeper understanding of Hype/HTML5/CSS/Javascript. The goal is to expand coding knowledge overall, but also for specific application to creating content in Hype.

I'm leading our team as we expand our use of Hype for creating content internally and externally.

Example of a couple of projects that I created in Hype:

@Photics's physical A Book About Hype is probably the best resource for learning Hype in a context of how to eke out its power through JavaScript. But good luck convincing him to make an online addition :slight_smile:.

Otherwise, assuming you've worked through the other courses/resources on the tutorials page, I'd say that most general JavaScript courses will still serve you well. Hype's API for controlling documents/animations is fairly straight forward once developers have the scripting basics down, so the harder parts are usually knowing what is available to combine with from the HTML side. I'm not really sure of good online resources for that since I've "grown up" with the technology, so hopefully others who have more recently learned can chime in!


Seconding @jonathan, I wrote about @Photics's book in answer to a similar question here:


I did just randomly come across this resource:

It is very thorough, though perhaps more of a "reference" for those familiar in general with programming than teaching from the ground up.


https://www.w3schools.com/js/DEFAULT.asp is really good for first steps and as mentioned https://javascript.info/ for advanced knowledge.

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Thank you for this information, guys. Working with Hype invites you to learn how to program, even just a little.

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