Welcome to this awesome, helpful community, @WesW!
In case you're not aware, @Photics recently published A Book About Hype. It's great – in some ways the "missing manual" – and goes from the very basics of using Hype up through introducing JavaScript for more advanced work, accessible to someone who's never programmed before. I imagine you'd get a lot more out of working through his well-designed chapters than watching the online tutorials.
You can see how the book came to be in this thread. While the book's cost may seem a bit high, @Photics is (along with many others) incredibly active and amazingly helpful on this forum. Factoring in his freely-given ongoing support here, along with the Hype templates he also makes freely available, makes the cost seem more than fair to me. (And for the record, I have no financial interest. Just want to make sure you know about this invaluable resource!)
Happy creating!