It is very quiet

Lately it has been very quiet on the forum. Is it the time of the year or AI?
Just curious.

Superbowl weekend in the US? :rofl:

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I thought you were quietly working on releasing Hype 4.5 :frowning:

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5.0 :wink:


Straight to 5 eh, there was 3.5 though? Anyhoo, I gotta see it to believe it. Though it makes sense, 2025 version 5. You know how to keep things in suspense.

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Well, there was no 3.1 (and there is 4.1). It is all pretty arbitrary :slight_smile:.

I am so happy and awaiting what @jonathan wields that wand for that 5.0 magic. So happy! Looking forward to the new beta phase! I wonder what Python will be replaced with… and what from the :beetle: tracker will be considered and how much of IE we will :wastebasket:


I've been quiet because when need to ask a question I feel like I should already know the answer, and I worry everyone is rolling their eyes like "ugghhh.. what do you want NOW?" :rofl:

Well, speaking for myself (not in the context of being the developer):

  • most questions represent mini-challenges that are fun to answer
  • Even if I have one particular answer, it doesn't mean other people chiming in won't give new ideas I could use in future projects
  • helping people is satisfying

So please always feel free to ask!


oh, something's cooking in Tumult Hype's dev kitchen !

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One's curiosity leads to people talking Hype 5 :wink: backed by @MaxZieb most liked sentiment :smiley:

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I started working on a book project, so I was staying off the forums so I could concentrate… it didn't work. :smile:

That's not the way I see it. Usually my reaction is…

  • Oh, that's easy. I can solve that!
  • Eh, too easy. I'll let someone else solve that.
  • I wonder if I have a template that matches that problem.
  • What?! No one replied? Maybe I should fix that!

Often, someone already responded, so then my reaction is like Tuxedo Max meme…

  • “Looks like my job is done here.”
  • “…but you didn't do anything.”

JXA is still not dead yet. :smile: