Lately it has been very quiet on the forum. Is it the time of the year or AI?
Just curious.
Superbowl weekend in the US?
I thought you were quietly working on releasing Hype 4.5
Straight to 5 eh, there was 3.5 though? Anyhoo, I gotta see it to believe it. Though it makes sense, 2025 version 5. You know how to keep things in suspense.
Well, there was no 3.1 (and there is 4.1). It is all pretty arbitrary .
I am so happy and awaiting what @jonathan wields that wand for that 5.0 magic. So happy! Looking forward to the new beta phase! I wonder what Python will be replaced with… and what from the tracker will be considered and how much of IE we will
I've been quiet because when need to ask a question I feel like I should already know the answer, and I worry everyone is rolling their eyes like "ugghhh.. what do you want NOW?"
Well, speaking for myself (not in the context of being the developer):
- most questions represent mini-challenges that are fun to answer
- Even if I have one particular answer, it doesn't mean other people chiming in won't give new ideas I could use in future projects
- helping people is satisfying
So please always feel free to ask!
oh, something's cooking in Tumult Hype's dev kitchen !
One's curiosity leads to people talking Hype 5 backed by @MaxZieb most liked sentiment
I started working on a book project, so I was staying off the forums so I could concentrate… it didn't work.
That's not the way I see it. Usually my reaction is…
- Oh, that's easy. I can solve that!
- Eh, too easy. I'll let someone else solve that.
- I wonder if I have a template that matches that problem.
- What?! No one replied? Maybe I should fix that!
Often, someone already responded, so then my reaction is like Tuxedo Max meme…
- “Looks like my job is done here.”
- “…but you didn't do anything.”
- …
JXA is still not dead yet.