Importing layered PSDs, AIs, SVGs, Sketch

Ability to import layered files with canvas size & position data intact.

This is possible Flash and After Effects and cuts down the workflow considerably if you prefer to create artwork in those applications before animating.


Forgot to mention, I’m aware of Tom Byrnes layers-to-SVG exporter script for Illustrator. Recommended for all you Illustrator users!


Thanks for the suggestion! We will look into this for a future version.

Here’s our guide to getting vector data (layers) from Sketch into Hype.

The Sketch guide is interesting but native import of layers would save a ton of time mucking about rebuilding things!

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Gah. So I’m doing this again, laboriously slicing and export elements, only to have to import them and rebuild the designs in Hype for animation. Takes forever! And it’s such a duplication of effort.

Really, I think you guys could clean up if you included decent Sketch file support. It’s the golden ticket. The old flow:

PSD > Flash - animate. Done!

I’m currently having to do:

Sketch …
select every layer I need to animate as an independent slice …
export all slices.
Drop in main version slice to Hype as a guide.
Add all slices back in to rebuild design.
Finally … animate.

If I could go:

Sketch > Hype - animate

I would be a very happy man. Rebuilding icons like this for complex animations is a total waste of time.


OMG a Sketch plugin would be amazing! Soo much time would be saved!!!

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Tell me about it. I know Marvel and Invision have both recently implemented this so it can’t be too hard. Any comment from Tumult?

We hear you :smile:. It is not a trivial addition though.


Seriously man - killer feature. If you could pull it off I think you’d be a lot closer to owning this space.


I totally agree this would be a killer feature. It currently takes about about a day to configure a very complex Sketch mockup to be ready to animate in Hype. One full day of work per mockup that could be saved if you guys implemented such a feature.



Hi, has this feature been included yet in the latest version?

Any luck with this?

This feature does not yet exist in the released version of Hype (v3.5.3 as of this note), but we’re aware of how killer it would be.

Are we talking about something that have been asked more than one year ago ?
A client asked for a logo to be animated. Once the logo done, I launched Hype proudly… Then said what ? No Layered PSD import. There must be a trick…
That’s why I’m on this topic now…


While Hype doesn’t have layered import, Photoshop CC 2015.5 does have layered export via ‘File > Export > Layers to Files…’.

Well, here we are, 2 years later. Any word on this? Man, a Sketch plugin would make my day. Principle did it in version 1 - why not you guys?

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maybe you need to add your software to the list. First come Illustrator and Affinity Designer. the standard of all this software is SVG, Hype works well even now :slight_smile:

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I agree, Bohemian coding is announcing a new file format for the next sketch version (43).

Here is some information about this :


Maybe it will help to support import from sketch soon :wink:

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FIles as a package like RapidWeaver files, nice and useful.

You are a professional? how long it takes for the manual processing from Sketch to Hype? Can you estimate in percentage/hours?