Hype Universe News #4

Stay Home, Animate, & Flatten the Curve

At Tumult our hearts go out to those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are assisting in these difficult times by offering a discount to new customers through a COVIDRELIEF coupon and we’re here to help with any issues our education users experience during this massive shift to home learning. Visit our blog post for more information.

Members of the forums have already shared infographics and visualizations to express important COVID-19 data. Visit this page to see a few of these. If you’re looking for ways to help in this crisis, support your local food banks and healthcare workers, or join other technologists and designers in collective efforts. Stay safe out there, and support one another.

Tutorials & Tips

Our friends at Rich Content Design have put together videos, tutorials, and high-quality demo content to help you level up your Tumult Hype animation skills. They cover topics like sprite sheets animations, creating animated logos, and they shared a great introduction to vector shape animation. Their videos are fun to watch and come with great Hype documents you can download :arrow_down:

Animations We Love

We just joined Dribbble (finally) and we’ve tracked down some amazing Hype animations and added them to our likes. Go check em out. We’re also be posting snippets from tutorials and fun animations so make sure to follow us.

Even though the Tokyo Olympics are postponed for a year, we can still appreciate these beautiful animated pictograms created to represent each sport.

Check out this large set of useful animations highlighting initiatives to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus built in After Effects & Lottie - Read how to view and embed these within Hype or quickly drop these into Hype by clicking 'Use this Animation in <html> ’ and embedding the generated code within an HTML widget.

What We’re Reading & Listening To


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