Hype Universe #10 & Hype + in5 + InDesign Webinar Replay

Below is our 10th Hype Universe News email, adapted for the forums.

On April 7th, we joined up with the makers of the popular in5 plugin for a webinar -- you can watch the full replay at this page. The webinar covered embedding a Tumult Hype document in the In5 plugin (for InDesign) and answered a great number of questions regarding working with interactive content built with Hype inside of InDesign and different export options possible with In5.

In other news, we sat down virtually with Ali Ennis , a medical illustrator in Educational Resources at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine to chat about some complex and interactive Hype animations she and her team produced:

Read over at the Tumult Blog.

Projects We Love

Joe Zeff @joezeffdesign recently shared a project he built in Hype for American Express called 'Get Travel Ready'. We're ready.

Check out a mesmerizing and detailed walkthrough of the board game "End Point", created by Art Blumberg @ArtB . It's a fascinating tutorial for a turn-based game of curves and swerves beautifully animated in Hype.

Gagan Nirula @gagan shared the 2020 National Association of Broadcasters year in review, with a powerful introductory sequence built in Hype.

We love seeing innovate ways to work with vector shapes in Hype: Check out this clever technique involving a sweeping fill of a vector shape via masking by Hans-Gerd Claßen @h_classen.

Powerful Add-Ons and Helpers from the Forums

  • Explore the Hype Power Pack, a tool to add additional actions and options using the export script interface by @MaxZieb

Tutorials & Education

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