For Hype 4.0.1, HYPE-654.thin.min.js
is 53.0 KB and HYPE-654.full.min.js
is 90.6 KB. The "full" file is always used if the browser is detected to be IE 6-9, or if any of these document features are used:
- Physics
- Vector Shapes
- Motion Paths
- Audio
- Page Turn Scene Transition
- Swap Scene Transition
- There is a On Drag > Control Element Position action in a scene with Flexible Layout
In Hype 3.x, Physics was the only condition that would trigger using the full runtime, but this list was expanded to keep the size for the thin runtime down. Regardless, the thin and full runtimes are both smaller in 4.0.1 (down from 55.6 KB for thin and 94.1 KB for full).