This idea got triggered back in the day when trying to explain Custom Behavior as Tweets. The idea stuck with me …
Mostly I use Hype these days for Widgets in CMS-Projects, hence I thought I share the concept of a unified communication pipeline across individual widget. So, I recreated LocalConnection from the Flash-days with a little Twitter-twist and named it GlobalBehavior:
Hint: The code is an extension. It enables all Hype-Widget loaded on the same page to form a broadcast network. Inside the widget are just plain Custom Behavior calls following the rules mentioned in the example. The code from the JS-files below can also just be pasted into the Head-HTML.
You can find more info in this reply with flowcharts
There is a JSDoc based documentation of the functions at
Code repository on GitHub
1.0 Initial release #-syntax, @-syntax based on Hype Observer Pattern
1.1 Added callbacks in JS hypedocument.onGlobalBehavior
1.2 Added iFrame (onedirectional), onedirectional postMessage
1.3 Refactored code to Revealing Module Pattern, compiled against Closure-compiler, Bidirectional postMessage (Bubble Up, Bubble Down, Bubble Branching)
1.4 Refactored to new naming and interface, corrected to american english
1.5 Fixed a bug with iFrame propagation and added a “Singleton” check
1.6 Added Custom Behavior Ticker feature, code cleanup
1.7 Removed a bug when triggering a Hype widget in a iFrame that was not present on the same page level
Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Latest version can be linked into your project using the following in the head section of your project:
<script src=""></script>
Optionally you can also link a SRI version or specific releases.
Read more about that on the JsDelivr (CDN) page for this extension at
Learn how to use the latest extension version and how to combine extensions into one file at