Hi there!
I’m interested in multilinear storytelling, began using Korsakow (at korsakow.org), a tool made in Flash
to make K-Films (a favorite recent example: here)
Here’s an overview of how to use the Korsakow tool: http://korsakow.org/learn/faq/quick-start/
When I started using the tool, I found difficulty accepting that I couldn’t use existing online media, then having to transcode all clips to uniform formats, and on top of this, I was getting way too caught up in the ‘keywording aspect’ of the tool.
What I was looking for was a tool that allows one to make K-Filmish things, that could deliver linear, multi, or non-linear narrative, on iOS devices or mobile, as well as allowing me more freedom in the initial structuring than the current Korsakow tool allows (mainly because I still don’t understand completely what strict algorithmic keywording gets you… especially if that begins to impede your initial enthusiasm for the tool…) Before giving up, I decided to try and reverse engineer its function, to learn it.
Then I started wondering if this tool might not be extended- or at least protyped- w Hype 3 Professional.
Here’s a screenshot of the interface I’m building.
So, given the functionality outlined in the tool overiew above, what might be the best way for me to tackle this?
I’ve purchased the program Korsakow, and am not trying to copy it in HTML5 form for illgotten gain, but to try and learn it, and perhaps extend its ability to use online videos that play on mobile and iOS devices the way I’d like them to.
I also kinda hope some of the Korsakow crew already hangs out here.
My current Hype questions:
- Are scenes adequate to represent a k-Film’s states (each SNUview change due to a newly chosen, SNU- smallest narrative unit)
- When a viewer clicks on the first, 2nd or 3rd, HTML widget, with a thumbnail/transparent rectangle over it, is the best way to simulate swapping that video to the main SNUviewer by jumping to a similarly structured Scene sporting that video expanded
- And if I autoplay the video in the SNU viewer, how do I get the previous autoplayed video’s audio to stop. The instructions followed [here][3] didn’t seem to work.
Would anybody similarly interested in multilinear storytelling be interested in working thru this with me, as a tutor, partner or otherwise?
Thanks! Brad Tollefson