I had a request to show an example of localStorage.
This example will show how to set and get a simple score that is persistent on window/browser close and open.
The Head file.
We can have code which is placed in the head file run straight away before the page loads.
Therefore it is an ideal place for any code that will get the stored score if it exists from the localStorage.
What we need to do in the Head.
First we need to check if the storage item exists using the getItem(storedItemName) function
We will be looking for a stored item named theScore.
If the storage item theScore exists, we can use it’s data to set the value of a global variable.
We will call the global variable window.score.
(In this example the data in the theScore item will be stored as a string. )
If the storage item theScore does not exist, we can use it’s none existence to set window.score value to 0.
The head’s get localStorage code in the head:
if(localStorage.getItem('theScore')) {
window.score = localStorage.getItem("theScore"); //string
} else {
window.score = 0;
Now we have something in the global variable window.score, we need to update the UI.
Updating the UI
Updating the UI and how and when it is done is up to you. But in this example I want to do it a soon as the page has loaded.
I have chosen to do this with a javascript (named setScoreUI ) that runs from on Scene Load. ( go to Scene inspector, click the + for the Scene Load actions and select run javascript and new function )
I am also going to use the same JS function which i have called setScoreUI to update the UI when a new score happens.
For simplicity I am using a Button to add to the score, the logic of adding to the score and UI in this example reflects that.
( Adding to your score on a real page will most likely involve a different mechanism and you will have to work out your own logic of how to add to the score. )
The Button will call the setScoreUI function from it’s on Mouse Click actions.
When the setScoreUI code runs
When the code runs from the Head we do not want to add to the score, we only want to set the UI to show the current window.score we set in there.
To make sure we are not scoring by mistake when the code runs from the Head , we simply check which element called the setScoreUI function.
The call from the Head is not an element object so the element argument in the setScoreUI function will be null.
So if the call came from the Head we bypass the score addition code and go straight to set the innerHTML of our score Element. (id scorePanel) to the current value of window.score
If the call came from the button element, we run the addition code.
Remember I said above that we will be storing the storage item theScore as a string, we do that in this case because that is simple what the innerHTML is.
We cannot add a string to a number and get a number, without first converting the window.score string value to a number.
There are a couple of ways we can do this. But we will use the JS Number() function to do it.
window.score = Number(window.score) + 1 ; // Number() converts string to number.
We than set the innerHTML of our score Element. (id scorePanel) to the new value of window.score .
The setScoreUI code:
var scorePanel = hypeDocument.getElementById('scorePanel');
if (element ){
window.score = Number(window.score) + 1 ; // Number() converts from string to number.
scorePanel.innerHTML = window.score;
Saving the score.
Saving the score would normally be done as soon as window.score has a new value.
You can do this in the same function but I have chosen to keep the save code separate from the UI changing code, because it makes it easier to adjust the UI code and the Save code without interfering with one or the other.
And keeps the example of saving to the localStorage item clean.
The save code is placed in a function named saveScore and is called right after the setScoreUI form the on Mouse Click actions for the score button
The * saveScore* code:
localStorage.setItem('theScore', window.score);
Yep that is all it is.
We tell the localStorage to set the Item 'theScore’’'s value to the value of window.score.
In summery:
Your code to set a localStorage item is:
localStorage.setItem(‘theScore’, window.score);
Your code to get a localStorage item is:
Ever thing in between depends on what you want to do.
But there’s one more thing…
Removing the localStorage.
To remove our stored item from the localStorage we simply use
This will wipe the item and it will no longer exist.
You will need to update the window.score values and the UI.
We do this in a new function that in this example which is called from another button.
window.score = 0;
if(localStorage.getItem('theScore')) {
var scorePanel = hypeDocument.getElementById('scorePanel');
scorePanel.innerHTML = window.score;