Hi, I am wondering if it’s possible to fake mouse interaction? If I have an animated object (fake cursor) which goes over a button. Is it possible to set that button to “hover” while the fake cursor is over it and set it to “normal” once the fake cursor moves off?
Would I tiger this with physics or js? The aim is to create button symbols for the tutorials that can have their states animated and trigger those animations automatically by animating the “fake cursor”, rather than animating the interactions by hand within a timeline.
if i remember it right, the intersection-hype-behaviors for on and off will fire also without a drag in my dragNdrop-enabler. So you could probably make a setup using it ...
I have done this (below) at the moment, adapting from another post I found on the forum, and it seems to be working quite well for now… But it may break down once I start testing more complex variations and need different buttons to be styled differently on rollover etc.
There is an init() setInterval function that needs to be fired on scene load. Not sure if I need to clearInterval or it’s OK to comment it out as I have done. Will keep posting updates here as I progress…
var cursorTop = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(cursor, 'top');
var cursorLeft = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(cursor, 'left');
var cursorBottom = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(cursor, 'top') + hypeDocument.getElementProperty(cursor, 'height');
var cursorRight = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(cursor, 'left') + hypeDocument.getElementProperty(cursor, 'width');
var Buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('button');
for (var i = 0; i < Buttons.length; i++) {
var Button = document.getElementsByClassName('button')[i];
var ButtonTop = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(Button, 'top');
var ButtonBottom = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(Button, 'top') + hypeDocument.getElementProperty(Button, 'height');
var ButtonLeft = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(Button, 'left');
var ButtonRight = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(Button, 'left') + hypeDocument.getElementProperty(Button, 'width');
var hit1 = (ButtonBottom > cursorTop) && (ButtonTop < cursorBottom) && (ButtonLeft < cursorLeft) && (ButtonRight > cursorLeft);
var hit2 = (ButtonBottom > cursorTop) && (ButtonTop < cursorBottom) && (ButtonLeft < cursorRight) && (ButtonLeft > cursorLeft);
if (hit1 || hit2) {
Button.innerHTML = "I'M IN!";
Button.style.background = "#5835AA";
} else {
Button.innerHTML = "OUT!!!";
Button.style.background = "#6F43D6";
The important thing is that you are feeling secure walking the road. Basically, this is a simple collision detection. You could fire timeline event to start an animation or revert it.
You could do something similar with symbols and use symbol actions on the surrounding timeline (as long as it’s a timeline).
As @h_classen suggested there is a way to do this with
Which the intent think was to cut down on the type of coding you just did.
And as @MaxZieb says. It is what ever you are comfortable with that counts.
But here is a quick example using the code example from the above link.
The trick here with hype is that the fake cursor needs to enter the realm of the Button. ( rect in this example )
But it will not do that under normal conditions. By realm I mean if the button was a box and the cursor was a cat and they are both in a room called scene.
The cat can jump on the box, it can go behind the box, it can go over and under the box but cannot go into it. ( Going into and crossing it’s threshold ).
So the trick here is to put both elements in a Group. Then set the group as the target and make it hug the buttons shape. This will leave the fake cursor inside the group but outside it bounding rect/borders.
Now if the fake cursor crosses over the group bounds you will get an intersection event.
Yes, ultimately I need multiple buttons, in different scenes, and not all butons will be the same. By “button” I mean various UI elements that can be interacted with, can be menu items that turn purple on hover and are underlined when selected, but don’t turn purple on hover in the selected state. Triggering dropdowns. etc, etc… Like a cat interacting with budgies in cages and mice and balls of wool? Same cat. Different interactions. Ideal scenario, is that once the code is set up, all I would need to do is animate the cursor (cat) and all the interactions will be triggered automatically / with minimal animation.
I do not know the full extent of your intent with your project but from what I have read You might find using a “Custom Cursor” useful. You can be totally freeform with this approach and not constricted to using motion paths, etc.
The cursor in this project uses a “.png” file to replace the standard cursors. Everything acts as normal as with a regular cursor - rollovers and interactions with elements. Then You can do a screen capture of your interaction with a project tutorial. It is a simple, tight set-up with creative possibilities.
I did look at this approach too, but it won’t work for my purposes. I even looked at tools that can record your actual ouse movements and keyboard interactions and then play them back, so I could capture the same web tutorial in multiple languages (the website is served up in 12 languages). So my solution is to build a copy of the website’s main pages in Hype, and animate tutorial sequences within a totally controlled environment.
ButtonRolloverV2.hype.zip (31.5 KB)
Adding / removing classes and checking if a UI element contains class looks promising, but not sure about the logic. The position on the page clearly matters. The first Menu Item is triggered, the first button triggers change on the second button and the second button triggers change on the third button?
var cursorTop = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(cursor, 'top');
var cursorLeft = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(cursor, 'left');
var cursorBottom = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(cursor, 'top') + hypeDocument.getElementProperty(cursor, 'height');
var cursorRight = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(cursor, 'left') + hypeDocument.getElementProperty(cursor, 'width');
var UIElements = document.getElementsByClassName('UI');
for (var i = 0; i < UIElements.length; i++) {
var UI = document.getElementsByClassName('UI')[i];
var Button = document.getElementsByClassName('button')[i];
var Menu = document.getElementsByClassName('menu')[i];
var UITop = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(UI, 'top');
var UIBottom = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(UI, 'top') + hypeDocument.getElementProperty(UI, 'height');
var UILeft = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(UI, 'left');
var UIRight = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(UI, 'left') + hypeDocument.getElementProperty(UI, 'width');
var hit1 = (UIBottom > cursorTop) && (UITop < cursorBottom) && (UILeft < cursorLeft) && (UIRight > cursorLeft);
var hit2 = (UIBottom > cursorTop) && (UITop < cursorBottom) && (UILeft < cursorRight) && (UILeft > cursorLeft);
if (hit1 || hit2) {
if (UI.classList.contains("button") == true){
Button.innerHTML = "I'M IN!";
if (UI.classList.contains("menu") == true){
} else {
if (UI.classList.contains("button") == true){
Button.innerHTML = "OUT!!!";
if (UI.classList.contains("menu") == true){
I deleted some code from the drag-and-drop-enabler and the result should be a “HypeIntersectEnabler”.
Works without custom coding. When an intersection occurs or ends a Hype-custombehavior (defined by a data-attribute) will be triggered …
SetUp: On a targetelement set two data-attributes:
data-intersect -> true
data-intersecttarget -> className of a sourceelement
On a sourceelement set a corresponding class and two data-attributes:
data-intersectcustombehavior -> name of a Hype-custombehavior to be triggered
data-intersectoffcustombehavior -> name of a Hype-custombehavior to be triggered
I may cleanup and refactor this to add some more features in the future.
Actually it’s done on lowest efford …
Hope it’ll work