Exported file size question (Maximum file size of 40KB)


I come from a print background and so am very new to digital design and working with html5 and animations. I am now creating banner ads with hype3 and all of our work for our client must conform to a “Maximum file size of 40KB”.
My question is - how do I actually work out the complete file size? what is taken into account exactly because on my export I get a HTML file which is always 1kb plus the resources folder which contains various other files and supporting graphics so I am not sure if it is below 40kb or not?
I would like to know what is measured and where to look for that 40kb size? If I look in the resources folder the supporting .JS files alone are 54/93kb etc…

Thanks for the newbie help!

There is no way you’re going to get an html5 banner in under 40 kilobites unless it’s a static ad. A lot of publishers have switched their filesize limitations. Google published ads to all companies apart from seizmec at my last job had a filesize limit of 150kb
See IAB guidelines

I’d say go back to the client and inform them at 40kilobites there is no library small enough so that you can fit your assets AND the javascript library in that filesize. The reason why flash did it is the library was essentially inside of the flash player download so all 40kb was for was for the assets.

Ask the client if you can call from external sites so you can host the javascript library externally on a cloud server or as a shared file in the campaign. Also inform them that IAB standards have been implemented with most publishers and to double check if filesize limitation really is 40kb or is it 40kb for flash banners and larger for html5 banners.

Sorry if i can’t help more than that, but I’ve had this discussions with clients and 40 kilobites for an animated html5 banner with everything inside the folder is a ridiculous ask.


Thank you Lucky for your helpful response.

Just last question - when someone asks “what is the file size of this ad”, how does one measure it? by adding each file within the folder collectively?

As an example - a recent export I had consisted of:

html - 1kb
35332E-restorable.plist (38kb)
HYPE-458.full.min (93kb)
HYPE-458.thin.min (54kb)
img-01.gif (46kb)
img-01@2x.gif (46kb)
logo.png (10kb)

so to work out the overall file size of my ad do I simply add each file together?

In which case I understand your point to host the files separately. Thanks again.

I’m far from an expert, but usually the size is measured by compressing all of the files into a .zip and taking that size.

"html - 1kb
35332E-restorable.plist (38kb)
HYPE-458.full.min (93kb)
HYPE-458.thin.min (54kb)
img-01.gif (46kb)
img-01@2x.gif (46kb)
logo.png (10kb)

so to work out the overall file size of my ad do I simply add each file together?"

Yep but as brownsquare says depending on publisher it could be 40kb zipped. But I doubt that since 40kb was flash specs, which were for the straight up files, not zipped. If it helps though you don’t need
35332E-restorable.plist (38kb)
HYPE-458.full.min (93kb) *unless you’re using the physics pannel
and if you untick

In your resources panel it won’t export the @2x file
So all you’d have is
html - 1kb
HYPE-458.thin.min (54kb)
img-01.gif (46kb)
logo.png (10kb)
So 111kb
Also if you run the images trough https://tinypng.com/
They will be a lot smaller in filesize

The 3.5.1 update fixes this -- you now get image_2x.png files (no more @ symbol).

so wether or not you untick it you’ll get both the image and image_2x? what if you’d like just the small image without an upscaled version

If there’s only a small (1x version) present, a 2x image will not be generated. We won’t upscale, only downscale. More info here.

Thanks everyone for the helpful info, much appreciated.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Banner Size Restriction Troubleshooting