Displaying Exported Hype Documented "full screen" on a WordPress page

I’ve seen the Tumult Hype tutorial where it shows how to embed hype content inside of a wordpress blog and that’s great! What I’m really trying to achieve is to basically display a hype document edge to edge and take over the whole page. For example, if I go to www.company.com/5StepWorkflow it should take me to a page in which I have an full screen edge to edge hype animation describing the 5 Step Workflow.

Can this be done with the Tumult hype plugin? Also, I’m new to wordpress so correct me if anything i said isn’t possible or doesn’t make sense to implement technically!


If you are embedding a Hype document in a post or page and you have a sidebar and footer (or other components you don’t like) you would need a different ‘page’ template for where you embed that Hype document. In Wordpress, page templates have components like a sidebar, footer, header, etc. Here’s a mostly blank template: https://gist.github.com/themorgantown/dd425d32570d247878bcdbd1bb5c3649

The key thing that displays content from Wordpress and the Hype Animations plugin, is lines 23-34. Everything after line 4 (except for those lines) can be removed and it would technically work, but those other lines are parts of the HTML page that are necessary. When editing a page, there’s a ‘Template’ dropdown on the page editor where you can select this template. In the dropdown if you were to add this to your theme’s folder, you would see Blank Template, which is line 3. More reading on this can be found here: https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/template-files-section/page-template-files/

Thanks Daniel! I will look into this!