HI guys I would share a method to animate a dash line.
in the example below I used an external SWG draw.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" id="dash-line" viewBox="0 0 230.214 109.31">
<style type="text/css">
.str1 {stroke:#000;stroke-width:1.39804;stroke-dasharray:6 9;stroke-dashoffset:30}
.fil0 {fill:none}
<path class="fil0 str1" d="M115.107 0.34383c63.3712,0 114.763,24.3211 114.763,54.311 0,29.99 -51.392,54.3111 -114.763,54.3111 -63.3713,0 -114.763,-24.3211 -114.763,-54.3111 0,-29.9899 51.392,-54.311 114.763,-54.311z"></path>
you can create and animate any kind of dash line.
the value depend on the length in pixel of the dash line.
For example a line with 6 + 9 (offset) pixel for the segment would be:
{ stroke-dasharray:6 9; stroke-dashoffset:30 }
you must edit this value: stroke-dashoffset:30
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and the final step of the loop 30
9 steps to close the animation.
If you need a smooth animation you must create a key in every frame.
With this rule you can create any dashline and related speed.
Pro: No Javascrip required, no external libraries, fast also in slow devices, low memory required.
Cons: Hard to implement because yoù can’t drag an external SWG. You must open the SWG in an external text editor and copy/paste only the right code in the text box in Hype ( inter html ).
dash_line_animnated.hypetemplate.zip (126.1 KB)
hope this helps