Hi, please forgive me but I’m a newbie and I can not see the solution.
In a scene I have an html widget with a JS inside.
The user must write two words correctly and after doing so, he has to go to the next scene, but I can not understand how to do!
This is the widget code:
function myFunctionFotografia() {
if ($('#id1').val() == "farfalla") {
var id1 = 5;
if ($('#id1').val() == "chiave") {
var id1 = 6;
if ($('#id2').val() == "farfalla") {
var id2 = 5;
if ($('#id2').val() == "chiave") {
var id2 = 6;
var result = id1+ id2;
if (result == 11) {
$("#risposta").text("ottimo lavoro clicca ancora sul tasto");
$("button").text("vai avanti");
$("button").attr("onclick", null);
//what is the correct script ?
window.location.replace("hypeDocument.showSceneNamed(’Seconda', hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionPushRightToLeft,1)");
else {
$("#risposta").text("No! controlla meglio!");
<h3><p id="risposta"></p></h3>
<table width="300" class"bordoForm">
<td align="center"><input id="id1" type="text"class="trasformaTesto"></td>
<td align="center"><input id="id2" type="text"class="trasformaTesto"></td>
<td align="center"><button type="button" onclick="myFunctionFotografia()" class="myButtonControlla">Controlla</button></td>
<h3><p id="risposta"></p></h3>
Is there any method more simple or … what should I write to better move between scenes?
I have many quizzes like this!
Thanks for all