Where are all the Flash Guys?

Love this article but had to put a plug in for Hype in the comments :slight_smile:


Having all 233 comments displayed, the keyword “Hype” only appears once…! That´s very surprising.

95% of the people that I work with who use Flash have NO idea that Flash’s future is not roses and candy. They live in a different universe, are not even sure what HTML5 is and why it matters. They are mostly corporate and don’t look out the window.

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I am amazed at those holding on to Flash as a web technology. I looked at Animate CC again as an animated short creation tool for video…and in some ways it has what is needed to get that job done. But from a User Interface design and game design platform…no.

Yet I still come across corporate training sites that still use Flash which is insane that should have been phased out years ago.

Just keep mentioning Hype to these posts and eventually it will catch on.

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I guess it’s akin to why people still use (develop for) IE 8/9. Don’t think it’s gonna be shaken any time soon. :slight_smile:
It is sad, why (corporate) people still hold on to these.

When I say corporate, I don’t even mean a company with thousands of employees, I might be talking about a 6 person company who believes that if the Adobe software prison can’t do it, then it can’t be done.

I had that problem with a client who hired me for 3 months last year to rebuild his site. We parted ways. Could never make them understand that there were other ways besides Adobe shoehorned into Joomla. It can be done, but it’s the hard way. They believed that once I was done, that any accounting clerk would then be able to take over. Dreamland!

In the middle, they hit me with a redo of several hundred brochure pages, which was nothing more than changing images and verbiage, so the actual site rebuild never got done. The company is now for sale. Oh it gets better; I now find out that the company that they planned to buy is now the buyer for them. The owner is a friend, but no more business between us.

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I'm not even sure how people can pretend at this point. Flash doesn't work on iPads and iPhones. That alone should be reason enough to move on. But now, desktop browsers are starting to reject Flash...

I’m one of those flash developers that just end using AS2 (I don’t like AS3) and is so hard, because I really love the platform, I could make a little game in a day, now I have to start from 0 learning Javascript.

I hope to find in Hype what I used to love from flash, but much better


Welcome, it will be hard but once you embrace the open web you will find in Hype a nice doorway to an ever growing technology stack. I often use Hype as my tool to organize layout and do some animations. But you will also find it lacking an open access library (compared to the attachMovieclip in Flash). Meaning you can’t duplicate or dynamicly attach or construct Hype symbols (yet). Also performance of HTML5 in general isn’t as snappy as many things in old Flash. But using things like canvas or WebGL might help but require JavaScript. But you gain so many new interactions and possibilities to connect technologies… you will like it. Flash is/was a nice sandbox but had it’s limits in breaking out of that frame (in the end the Mobil project and HTML5 canvas export by Grant Skinner) but that didn’t really take off.

Stay with vanilla JS. Don’t learn JQuery… it’s dying.


I’ll also note that while the first instinct of a lot of ex-Flash users is to reach for JavaScript in lieu of AS2/3, there’s a lot of interactivity features that can be done without it in Hype, using combinations of scenes, simultaneously running timelines, symbols, behaviors, and even just the built-in buttons. Of course, JavaScript is often the best tool and can be more straightforward for complex tasks, also allowing for a lot of HTML-DOM manipulations or communication with the Hype API.


Don’t worry, I have to use everything HYPE has to offer before a single line of code, and I love to make multipath games and this is perfect for that :grinning:

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Then Twine and Twine Stage might be also of interest to you… This integration uses Hype as an embed in the Twine story engine (using sugar cube).

I also integrated Ink at one point but never posted it here as the final ten percent are missing. This integration has a story engine that is integrated into your Hype project and sends command to it's host.

For Ink I am still waiting for the right moment to finish it… so let me know if your interested.

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PS: Check out

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