I made some ads in Hype and when I export them, I can only see HTML code in the browser. The exported files do not work as expected.
I was using this export script to adda a border but then I discovered it happens with all export options.
The preview works great locally. What did I do wrong, can anyone have a look for me, please?
Thank you
This is how it looks in the preview, and how it should look:
I think the issue is in the custom fonts scripts. I did a test with the normal export script and got the same thing.
I removed the fonts and it all worked as expected.
That's funny! It was working before, and although I went to Typekit website to republish the kits and make sure the code provided by them was Ok, something wasn't working after all.
The way I added my fonts was also given by @Daniel in the Community but for some reason this other way works while the other stopped working So I give you, and all, many thanks for your help.
I now encountered a different problem with the export script I'm using to add a 1px border but I'll follow up in its own topic.