Can you create an interactive web DVD menu that will play video on a scene and go back to the main menu?
Nope, this is not what Hype is for, but you could simulate this if you are viewing this through a web browser / website. (You can’t build DVD menus with Hype).
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Can you make a button play a video and then have a button on the scene to go back to the main scene?
Yes, I meant simulate. Not create a real DVD menu.
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Thx so much!
What is meant by this?
Use the tabs at the top of the window to go back to the scene
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Thanks again! I am trying to learn.
Do you have a sample project I could download and study with these elements? Thanks
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The ‘Intro to Elements’ training document at the bottom of shows how to use either a Hype Video element or a custom video element.
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Thanks again!!’