After looking at html5 video buttons the other day
I thought I would knock together a fully working Controller that could be added to any html video player.
With Hype v3.5 came scaling Symbols. This means you can scale the whole symbol in one go to fit.
( Notes:
You can only run one controller in a project at the moment. I was hopping that just using classNames would allow for multi controllers but nope. ( thought I had used a className trick before to do similar !!).
There are a couple of ways I am in the process of trying and if I get it working so you can use multiple controllers on the same scene or on more than one scene I will update back here.
Also remember you can easily change the source video in the video element using code and the single controller will work with the change so you can have more than one video on a scene and use the same controller.
I found that this works best in Safari. Chrome it works well but the scrubbing is a jumpy also has sound when scrubbing,
Firefox. Lets just say WTF and leave it at that..
Any way here it is for you to play with and maybe get some ideas from, which is the main thing. (27.9 KB)
See newer versions below.