Using .svg Files For Fonts (Google Adwords)

I’m trying to use custom fonts via .svg and get it to pass Google Adwords. I’ve tried and failed trying to find the code they’re referring to that needs to be remove. Any and all help is appreciated. I’ve zipped the files and heres an screen shot of the error.

Thanks! :slight_smile: (371.7 KB)

Its all in the screenshot … no fonts in SVG allowed. Use google fonts (look a like font) or render them to curves (path, outline) or an image (jpg, png). If you want to learn more about the sort of tags you can use I suggest you also click on the link in the error message (as seen in the screenshot).

I don’t understand what you are saying. You can use .svg for fonts I’m trying to figure out how to pass the validation. If you are saying that this cannot be done and the only solution is to find a look a like font can you please elaborate on what other options there are because I need to use these fonts. Were you able to open the file?

Instead of the Gotham font, consider using a Google font - Montserrat which is more or less looks like Gotham.

Attention to file size of the svg’s they’re heavy in file size with google ads your banner cannot exceed 150KB.

you also need an export script for google ads found here

It looks like Adwords doesn’t support SVG fonts, nor does it support having .eot, .woff, .otf, or .ttf files. You might be able to have your specific font if you load it dynamically (from an external server) like how Google Fonts work, but there might be some other restrictions here.

I think the reasoning behind this is that browsers restrict some inline styles inside of SVGs for security concerns:,

(And google enjoys control)

kind of a bummer now, I see why google opted out from having svgs in ads.

The use of svg’s is permitted, see google ad below. It might just have something to do with the file size of the .svg?


It is that the SVG includes a <font> tag in its code – so specifically that it is an SVG font.

Never seen a svg with a font tag In it.

The OP’s document has it, hence the error message :wink:. SVG fonts are now deprecated, but they were common as one of the web font formats for a while.