Hi Everyone!
I’m new to this software and do not code. I would love to see and learn what can be done with no coding.
Hi Everyone!
I’m new to this software and do not code. I would love to see and learn what can be done with no coding.
There’s several examples in the Gallery produced without any code: http://tumult.com/hype/gallery/
I recommend checking out the documents at the bottom of the Tutorials section to see how you can accomplish different techniques within Hype without code:
Great, thanks
take a look also in HypeDocks
Here some templates without code
Thank you!
Does anyone have a fireworks animation?
From someone who only uses Animate CC and my coding is super limited, I guess I should start here?
I am wanting to go to hype instead because of the massive support and community it seems to have! I think I am pretty good with Animate CC but I am running into so many limitations with no support and little coding exp
Hype was generally designed for most common animation and interactivity tasks to be accomplished without any code.
You’re always welcome to post specific issues you’re hitting on the forums or get support by emailing support@tumult.com! Let us know what you’re trying to do and where you’re running into problems.
I am not a coder either, and that is why Hype is so good, I have had no need to do any coding. But I may need to in the future if I can’t do what I need in Hype, so far so good.
But lots of users do coding and lots of javascript work because they may have previous experience there and are more comfortable using code. And many are doing it because they genuinely have a need for a particular project. I am more comfortable using Hype to create whatever workarounds I need to make since I am a visual type person.
My point is; don’t worry about it either way.