I’ve been using Hype for quite a while on and off. I originally built my web site up a couple of years ago, but my x-business partner thought it was a good idea to get a local web site company to rebuild the site to along my original design. Hated it ever since so I’m now going back to my original Hype build. Mainly as it’s easier for me to keep up to date as I have no clue how to edit using php.
Now, what I would like to do is use the photo gallery and the movie gallery in it’s current form but to show in my reworking of the site in Hype. I can easily add the photo’s using wordpress and the movie gallery is linked to my vimeo account. Could someone please point me in the right direction if this is possible please.
If you already have a webpage with content you’d like to show in Hype, the best way is to use an HTML widget. You can then use the URL for either your Vimeo account (or an individual video’s embed code) within that HTML widget to show the content.
Every Wordpress page is based on a template. If you create a really minimal template that doesn’t include a footer and header, and use that to contain your image gallery, you can easily use Wordpress as your CMS for specified blocks in your Hype document. Here’s a bit more info on creating blank Wordpress post or page templates: https://codex.wordpress.org/Stepping_Into_Templates
I know the HTML widget route, I have used previously. Not sure if you looked at my site in it’s current state but I have no idea how to get the current picture gallery’s code from wordpress. I guess I have more reading to do lol
If you have external content already on a web page, the only way to show it on a Hype page is as an iframe (what we call HTML widgets). This literally uses the content’s URL and places it in a box.
Hi Daniel, it’s content on my web site server so not external. There’s a gallery installed, I’m guessing it’s run in Java. So I’d like to show that gallery in a hype page.
Hi Mark. I’m not 100% sure on what you are asking but from my understanding you want to include just the gallery inside a hype website. I think @Daniel has already mentioned how you can achieve this. By serving the page in a HTML widget using an iframe you can of course view any web page inside a Hype project. Are you worried about including the header and footer information? As Daniel said you can strip down your wordpress theme to just include the indiviual pages/posts that you want to embed. (without the header and footer information). If you want I can upload a .hype file with an example. You will of course need to create a template wordpress page that only shows the post and nothing else. Or use/create a very sparse theme.
Apart from this if you want to somehow embed the plugin itself then this, i fear would require a lot of work and a lot of coding.
To summarise. You can build a website with Hype and use Wordpress as the CMS and just create HTML widgets to embed the Worpress posts/pages that you want to use. You would have the main hype files and any other html files in the root of your website and Wordpress in a sub-directory. Is this what you were thinking?
Another option is to use your .hype project and resources inside your Wordpress theme. Then you are using Wordpress with some hype interaction along with it.
@MarkHunte The gallery works on iPad (or at least my iPhone) the problem I believe is that the images are not optimised and are very large in size and taking a long time to load. Perhaps @MarkiSky could look at this and optimise the images so that they serve a little quicker.