I’m a interaction designer and really appreciated with what Hype provide especially,
when i’m making prototype for my project.
I have a question about the filtering element in Hype.
I already check the using tagsort.js in hype the only question is that filtering system works with showing common tags.
So, i found this external (bit more sophisticated)js plugin from resource library.
But it’s hard to use/embed in hype project in my knowledge yet.
It would be much appreciated if someone give me some step by step instruction how to use this code in Hype.
What i want is,
Filter odd & multiple number of 5 = Odd are 1 3 7 9 , Multiple of 5 is 5
Filter even & multiple number of 4 = Even numbers are 2 6 10, Multiple of 4 is 4 8
So it’s Filter + Sorting.
And one more need feature is filter tags are placed in order on the top as breadcrumbs.