Unable to export to gif or movie

I am no longer able to export various Hype files to .gif or movie format. I have tried to trouble shoot and have contacted customer support but still cannot figure out the problem. Basically, the status window pops up but then never changes – it remains white – I’ve left it for 30min and still no progress. I’ve gone back to older Hype files and can still export to .gif and movie but the newer animations I have done seem to get locked up. I sent these files to a co-worker and she is able to export without any problem. I tried to uninstall and reinstall but that is not working either. I’m wondering if I’m truly not uninstalling everything – we have a multiple licensed version of Hype so am trying to figure out if there’s a different process to uninstall – since I’m not doing from the App store. Have tried to find more details on the uninstall to make sure I’m doing correctly. Also note, prior to this issue I did also install the DoubleClickDCM – was thinking that might be the issue (but again my co-worker has that as well.)

Can you try using this terminal command?

Sorry you're hitting this!

I’m not really comfortable adjusting code on a company computer. I’m thinking I just need to do a clean reinstall – but don’t think I’m deleting all the Hype related files that would totally uninstall.

Can you share one of your newer files? Make sure that the duration is not longer than you think when exporting -- I hit this myself sometimes where it gets stuck trying to export a 5 minute GIF.

(Note that the tip, while requires a trip to the terminal, is fundamentally the same as changing a checkbox in Hype's preferences and doesn't affect anything system-wide.)