Twitter widget not working well

Hi to all !

I try to embed a Twitter widget on a Hype scene this way :

  • insert a rectangle on scene
  • paste in rectangle html the html code given by twitter
  • Text displays how it should be, that's fine, but related media has strange behavior : it shows in scene thumbnail but not on the scene in Hype or in browser preview.

Any clue why it doesn't work ?

And the associated code :

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="fr"><p lang="fr" dir="ltr">Hier un copain cuistot de métier et vétéran de la scène punk-rock des 80-90.(il a joué dans un groupe fameux) nous a fait un super repas. Évidemment il n'a pas pu s'empêcher de faire référence aux GJ dans son menu <a href=""></a></p>— Laurent Soual (@LaurentSoual) <a href="">10 décembre 2018</a></blockquote> <script async="" src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

ps : not sure this topic belongs to Javascript, though.

My (wild) guess is this code only runs on an actual server. Upload it to your site and see.
One of the reasons why I installed Mamp Pro which creates a local server for you.

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If you insert that code within an HTML widget it should work as expected. The Twitter library won’t be able to load within the inner HTML of a rectangle.

Hi @Daniel
Thanks, it does the trick now.
I thought rectangle we behaving the same way as widgets. I now know that it’s not the case :slight_smile: Lesson learned.