Tumult Hype iOS App Question

Hi Tumult Community!

I am currently following Nick Gressle’s, How to make an iOS app using Hype Pro.3.0 and Xcode 6 guide, but I wanted to check if its possible to link multiple hype documents within one iOS app?

My current work is on my website, with an index linking to different interactive stories. I assume the process of linking different hype documents in one iOS app would be similar to how I linked my website’s index to different urls.

If someone could let me know if it is in fact possible to link multiple Tumult Hype documents in one iOS app and the first steps to do so please that would be much appreciated :slight_smile: Thanks!

If you are putting everything in a web view, relative URLs should just work.

If you’re trying to do some sort of communication back to the native app, you can use the WKWebViewConfiguration method of -setURLSchemeHandler:forURLScheme: to setup your own custom URLs. You might also be able to control loading using a WKNavigationDelegate.