Sorry for the delay. We had been working with SCORM for a long time, since 2000 with Flash. So it was not as tough transition too use it with HYPE. We license the API from Rustica around 2012 I think, but as I mentioned above, it seems there are free solutions for Tumult hype that we need to explore. But once you have your basic calls established, they are very easy to interact with from HYPE. And is a great testing environment.
One thing we recently ran into with Learn Dash and Uncanny Owl is that the SCORM bookmark JavaScript calls seem to be implemented in a way that blocks all JavaScript until they are done, which can give you glitches in animation or a second or two. We are trying to figure out if we can work around this, as it seems to be in Uncanny Owl’s javascript side and not in our code, as this does not happen when we test on