Hi it would be really useful to be able to use and define tokenised Global variables.( Like in Automator.app)
Reference them in code/ Conditions Actions/ and if their type is text then as a Token String Element that can be placed like a text element or a special TAG inside innerHTML.
Also Conditional Actions that are only fired if Some predefined Conditions are met and are used in the same places within Hype that you can use Actions or Behaviours.
Much in the Same way in mail rules or Hazel.app
Example Conditions could be for things like:
Current Scene name /Contains/does not Contain/Starts with/Ends With… /–> Do Actions
tokenised Global variable /Contains/does not Contain/Starts with/Ends With… /–> Do Actions
tokenised Global variable /type is/yype is not/items contain/item [0] is equal to… /–> Do Actions
Element [id] /Contains/does not Contain/Starts with/Ends With… /–> Do Actions
Element [id] - [Style] - [backgroundColour] /is/is not /–> Do Actions
Element [classname] /is/is not /Contains/does not Contain/Starts with/Ends With… /–> Do Actions
And because you would already have Tokenising going on some of the Actions could work in the same way and be defined in the Action.
Change className.
Set Background Colour.
Set innerText/HTML
Here are some screenshots from Automator and Hazel to visually show what I mean.
There is much much more… and the options could be endless and would go a long way to cut down on coding.
Would love for any of you other members to chip in here and give some examples of usage…