I’ve made a portfolio to show some of my work, but when I export it to a HTML5 file and launch it in the web browser, the scaling is nothing like what was shown in the project preview
I know it possibly has something to do with the flexible layout (which I’ve had issues with before) but I’ve tried different variations and nothing seems to work.
You can send it to yourself and add the download link here. Also isn’t the problem on your site and not in the preview. Meaning why not just share a link to an export?
I downloaded that genormous file . Here are some notes :
Hype has a (know) bug in it’s layout engine. It doesn’t position scaled objects correct (it scales from the origin of the original size is my hunch). For images just use the proportional scale of the frame rather then the scale property set that back to 100%/100%. The image will then be scaled and positioned correctly.
Put your movies on Vimeo (Pro) or Youtube and then embed them rather then directly linking them in your document. They are not optimized for mobil bandwidth (transcoding etc.).
Yeah sorry about the size of the file I’ve got so many video’s in it… Kinda got carried away. Ah okay that makes sense. I’ll give that a go and see what happens, thanks for your help!
It isn’t clear from the shots which layout you are using, but in general it looks like you probably may need to reconsider some of the flexible layout settings. Sometimes the easiest is to put items in a expanding group using “zoom contents” and set to shrink to fit!