I'm not sure the answer is that straightforward.
While Google shut down the Swiffy conversion service, the runtime is still available...
It says...
Swiffy runtime version v7.3.0
In addition to the Google Terms of Service (http://www.google.com/accounts/TOS), Google grants you and the Google Swiffy end users a personal, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable and non-exclusive license to use the Google Swiffy runtime to host it for Google Swiffy end users and to use it in connection with the Google Swiffy service.
So, if you had already converted your project with Swiffy – and the license works for you – wouldn't that mean you could just drop the HTML code and the JavaScript runtime into your Hype project?
Again, Google just killed this service...
the Swiffy Flash conversion tool is no longer available.
As far as I know, they didn't release the server code so other people could host the converter and they didn't modify the Flash plugin so people could run the converter locally on their own computer. So, when people wonder why I don't like Google... stupid stuff like this is why.
However... HOWEVER... doesn't the new version of Flash convert projects to HTML5?
That wouldn't let Hype edit an existing Flash project, but shouldn't that let you embed a Flash-to-HTML5 project in a Hype project? I don't know, because I don't like Adobe's decision to move their software into the Cloud. I started using alternatives for their applications years ago. Also, I haven't heard much about Animate's HTML5 conversion, so I'm not sure if it's actually any good.
Based on the video, it seems that Swiffy was better at script conversion. I don't like the focus on converting SVG to Bitmap either. If server calls are an issue, SVG could be converted to straight HTML or even added as JavaScript, which would maintain high quality and reduce the number of files to load.