I would like to create a rotatable dial with stops on predefined degrees stops. I found the greensocks library with Draggable and a spinning example. I try to implement this in Hype, but not sure if I do everything right. I’m fairly new to Hype and not a hardcore JS coder either. Is anyone is able to see why my example is only spinning and not fixing on 90 degree stops?
And is it possible to get some actions attached to these stops? So on 90 degrees go to next scene or play timeline or activate button?
Thank you very much for your answer! I’ll give it another try. Adding actions will probably a bit more difficult I can imagine. Hints appreciated.
Thanks again!
Ok I have updated the code and now it snaps nicely. It only will not stay into position. It returns to the first postion after dragging. Any thoughts?
And about the ThrowProps plugin I read that I need a GS-membership to download. Will see if that will be a usefull investment.
I was curious to know if anyone has figured out how to have an action triggered hen the dial reaches a certain degree. For example, I’d like it to go to another Scene when it rotates 270*.