Speicherung von Hype Dateien auf einem Microsoft OneDrive

wir nutzen bei uns OneDrive zum Speichern unserer persönlichen Dateien.

Wenn ich nun in Hype etwas erstelle und die .hpye-Datei in das OneDrive abspeichere, dann erscheinen sie dort als *.pkgf Dateie.

Diese sind – wenn ich sie herunterlade – nicht mehr ausführbar (auch nicht, wenn sie umbenannt werden).

Mein momentaner Workaround: Die Dateien in einen Zip-Container verpacken. Das kann aber auf Dauer keine Lösung sein.

Hat jemand eine Idee bzw. schon Erfahrungen damit gesammelt?
Sind Hype-Dateien OneDrive kompatibel?

Viele Grüße

Are you running the latest version of OneDrive on all the machines along with using the "Files On-Demand Experience"? It seems like this should be transparent, and you shouldn't actually see the .pkgf format.

Please see:



OneDrive now supports syncing packages, or files that appear as a single file but are actually a directory with many files and folders underneath them. Some applications exclusively create packages. Additionally, most Mac applications are stored on disk as a package.

Traditionally, the problem with syncing packages has been that packages often contain file states that don’t sync well in the cloud. For example, some packages contain internal symlinks, extended attributes, or other file system quirks that can result in a corrupt package if these are not synced correctly. The OneDrive app itself is an example of such a package – previously, if you saved the OneDrive app in OneDrive and attempted to open it on another Mac, it would be corrupt.

With the new experience, packages are now synced as a single file with a hidden .pkgf extension appended automatically. For instance, if you create a file named “Foo.app” in your OneDrive, it will sync to the cloud as “Foo.app.pkgf”. OneDrive automatically strips the .pkgf extension on compatible Macs, and the file will appear as a valid package on all compatible Macs.

Note that Macs not running the new Files On-Demand experience cannot read files in the .pkgf format.

It sounds like you're running into that "note" perhaps?

We are running OneDrive 23.246.1127 and above macOS 12 (we are using macOS 13 and 14).
There is "Files on Demand" a standard setting from Microsoft and we also didn´t disabled it.

So there are no known problems between Hype and OneDrive?

I guess my question would be, what do you mean by "dann erscheinen sie dort als *.pkgf Dateie."

Are you saying they appear as .pkgf in the macOS finder, or via the OneDrive Web interface (or perhaps on Windows)?

They should still appear as openable .hype files if you are syncing in the macOS Finder. If this is not the case let me know.

But perhaps you are viewing the file via other means, say via the OneDrive web interface? Then they will show a .pkgf extension.

If you need to download from here, then it will still download a .pkgf file. But this can be easily converted back to a Hype document via:

  • change the .pkgf extension to .tar.gz
  • Open the file (it will get unarchived)
  • This may give some random numbers as a filename like 61360. Change this filename to OriginalFileName.hype. (If the finder prompts you, then do add the extension).

You will probably need to have the Finder's Advanced preference of "Show all filename extensions" turned on.

Does that work?


Hey Jonathan, I'm going to join the discussion now. Ultimately, the request regarding this issue came from me, and it was directed to snowwalkker - he's one of the helpful IT colleagues who tirelessly address our tech (Mac) issues in the agency. It's indeed only about files that one wants to download from the web interface. There are no issues locally on the computer. I just tested your workaround, and it works perfectly! :+1: I for myself can definitely live with that.

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Okay, I'm glad that at least works okay for you. I don't know how receptive MS is, but if you have a moment perhaps also send them feedback that they could refine how they present and do downloads for .pkgf files on the web. Personally I'd think they should not show the .pkgf extension, and when downloading, they should make a more common .zip file that decompresses to the original.

Indeed, initially, I tried to go a similar route as you did. However, I only attempted it with the file extension '.zip.' Who would think of '.tar.gz'... :wink:

Yeah, you'd think because it is MS, they'd use a zip! For future, I ran the command line file utility on the .pkgf to see what it sad, that that is what clued me to it being a tar.

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