I have uploaded a HYPE project to a webserver. Viewed in mac Safari sound plays when you press the ENTER button on the first screen. However on an iPad iwth iOS 11.3.1 no sound happens when you press the button. I am using HYPE 3.6.6 and I just used HYPE’s built in Play Sound Action, I am not using the timeline to trigger the sound. I have attached the project.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.Start5.zip (2.2 MB)
Click on the Enter button and it should play audio (mp3). It works fine on a browser on my mac but not on the iPad. The iPad is playing other sound based web content such as youtube fine.
I’m on iOS 11.4 on an iPad, and it is playing great for me. Can you make sure that the ‘bell’ (silent mode) icon is not clicked in your control center?
Yes that was it! I feel like such and idiot! What confused me was that youtube video played back with sound even though my Hype page didn’t. I still don’t understand why silent mode silences mp3 playback but not video playback, but apparently it does. Thanks so much for your help!
It’s happened to me so many times I lost count. You’re no idiot
I think the silent mode is one final barrier to ensure that audio doesn’t start blaring out of your device – clicking play on a video is more of a signal that ‘yes I want to play audio’ while a JavaScript event that plays audio is less user-initiated.
Seams like your firing a sound on load. You can only trigger them after the user interacts with the app … meaning after the click on the start. I suspect your doing something before because in the inspector the warning appears that your violating the AudioContext.
Also if I disapprove of this sort of business (meaning putting people in dept) on a side note I think this could look better when centered when scaling out.
Actually that was advise for iOS … check sound being triggered y anything else then with your initial button. Put the start of the music on that thing as an action and it should be fine!
In some mobiles it’s working , But in IOS and other some mobile’s browser sound not working .
I have tried by many ways ,but nothing worked for me. Is there any browser specific issue there ? or some thing else it can be .
I don’t see any Hype documents on the page that you previously linked to. You’re welcome to send a zip of your .hype document for more specific advise. The three most common problems with audio on iOS are:
It must be triggered on the same event as a user action like a click/mouse down. Audio cannot autoplay.
The vibrate-only mode on the phone is turned on. There are some workarounds for this you can search in the forums and we have a few ideas in a future release of Hype that might improve this.
You have an old document created before Hype v3.6.2 and just need to re-export with the latest version.