Scrolling on resources & replacing images

Hi Guys.

I’m presume I report bugs or anomalies here.

In the attached project I have 59 lotto balls.

Each image was originally dragged into the scene.

I had to re-do the images and presumed when I over wrote the images in the source folder I would get the 'update change contact ’ message.

I had to click on each resource and replace manually.
As i was doing this after each replace the the cursor jumped to another resources meaning I had to scroll back to where I was.

When dragging and dropping an existing image it simply duplicated the png. It would be good if there was a ‘replace or duplicate’ popup.

When d/clicking on a group it would help if the group tab automatically expanded and scrolled into view. At the moment the group shows at the bottom of the window any I have to expand then scroll to see the content.

Keep up the good work its a great product.


Steve Warby (2.6 MB)

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