(Michael Frankel)
July 30, 2015, 4:07pm
I’m a new Hype user, and was very pleased at how quickly I was able to get my business website up and running.
What I now need is more information:
How do search engines work with the text content in a scene? In other words, as expected or differently?
Can I navigate from another web page on another site directly to a scene that is part of my index.html page?
If the answer to #2 is No, is there any automated way to convert a scene into a separate HTML page with Hype?
Michael Frankel
Wizard Consulting Group, Inc.
Daniel has a tutorial on linking that my help.
Tumult Hype documents are accessible from a single URL. If you name your document 'Flying' and upload it to your site, then your animation and all its scenes are accessible from http://example.com/flying.html (unless you change the name of your exported .html file).
This article describes three ways to navigate between scenes:
Load a scene directly from a URL (For example: http://site.com/hypedocument.html#contact )
Use a button outside of your Tumult Hype document to load a scene in that docu…
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July 30, 2015, 7:02pm
Hi Michael (@wcgi )
Search engines will probably have difficulty crawling the scenes
because being so heavily under JavaScript. So a combination of HTML
and hype documents might be more prudent in terms of SEO. Not sure
if this is "expected" or "differently" per your question.
See Greg's post above.
Again the post linked to will help answer this.
(Michael Frankel)
July 31, 2015, 3:48am
Hi Greg -
Unfortunately, this did not work. For example, one scene name is WCGI Services . In trying to go directly to that page, I’m assuming I would use http://www.wizardconsultinggroup.com/index.html#WCGI%20Services .
That does not work; it goes to the index page, not the scene.
Did I miss something in your explanation? Please elaborate.
Michael Frankel
Wizard Consulting Group, Inc.
Hi Michael, I did not write the article and have never tried the method myself. But, it looks like it goes into adding a javascript to each scene to make it work. You might check with the original poster to see if he can elaborate, good luck and let us know if it works.