Yes, "Refused to display" error on URL in a iFrame again. But strangely, it is actually working!!! I restored the working project to achieve adjustment and recreate the HTML. Since then... the "Refused to display URL in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'." appear and I can't find why. Any help would be VERY appreciated.
This is an option set on the server ( X-Frame-Options - HTTP | MDN ), so whatever URL you're embedding is setting a policy "Don't allow me to be placed in an iframe."
That is the strange thing, my project is actually running without the ERROR. I do a recover to make some cosmetic changes; but even if I don't do not any change and re-save as HTML and re-upload... then the message show up.
I'm working a workaround. I'll keep the forms posted.
Feel free to post the live URL and any .hype documents if you need more assistance.