Problem with color when export in png sequence or gif


I placed a background (or a block) on a scene with for exemple #ffb4e6 and when i export my animation in gif or png sequence, the color change and become #f5b8e3.
This is a problem as i have a graphic charter to respect in terms of colors.
What can i do ?
Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

Hmm, I get the correct color. Can you send a sample document?

FFB4E6 (24.4 KB)

Pixelmator's color dropper:

@Daniel 's is the same here.

@sososo, which picker did you use, did you use a custom one and what are you then checking the color in once exported.

In Chrome and Safari I see the correct color from Daniels example
Screenshot 2020-10-27 at 15.35.04

Hi Daniel,

Here in attachement for example this Hype document : i put #ffb4e6 for background color
Then i export in gif (in attachement also)
If i put the gif in photoshop, just to verify the background color, i found : #f5b8e3
and i can see that some image i made before on Photoshop and exported for web => it is not the same color than my Hype export...? (182.2 KB)

I maybe wrong but I cannot imagine that a gif would stay true to the original color.
A gif is an image and the color is not determined by css.


The export as a web export is the same here.

You're wright Daniel ! Obviously :wink:
I was a bit quick in my checks (!)
on the other hand, with the same color reference, I have a difference in color result between the gif export from Hype and a gif export from Photoshop.
But indeed, as the export gives an approximate color on both sides...
In any case, thank you for your answers :slight_smile:

Thank you Daniel AND MarkHunte :blush: