Hello! There is a problem with color of exporting video from Hype. Final video has another colors of objects. I attached video with preview with problem.
Could you fix it?
Hello! There is a problem with color of exporting video from Hype. Final video has another colors of objects. I attached video with preview with problem.
Could you fix it?
I may be wrong but I cannot imagine that a video colour would be exactly the same due to differences in video codex and renderers being used.
Also not a colour expert but I think even web safe colours would not be an exact match.
in Hype
web page export
Video export
Yes, you are right. Bot now I use PNG Sequence -> MediaEncoder + AfterCodecs and I get right colours of objects in video.
I think it can be cool if I can export video from Hype with right colours
Thanks for the report - this is an item we’ve taken several stabs at and will continue to do so.